HromadaHub was founded in the first days of the war as a humanitarian hub Help Ukraine Romania. This became possible thanks to the close cooperation of local authorities, businesses and volunteer initiatives. The founders of the charitable organization were three women who took responsibility in the most difficult time to organize the delivery of humanitarian and medical aid to the communities that suffered the most from aggression.
Liliya Bortych
Head and co-founder of the CF "HromadaHub" and the "HelpUaRo" charity association. Deputy of the Chernivtsi Regional Council, agrarian.

Lilia began to engage in humanitarian activities in 2014 when she helped the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Since then, she began to help communities that suffered from aggression, as well as take care of orphanages and boarding houses for the elderly. On February 26, 2022, together with her colleague Julia Hrytsku-Andriesh, founded the humanitarian hub "Help Ukraine Romania" with the aim of collecting humanitarian goods on the Ukraine -Romania border and organizing further distribution to the communities most affected by Russian aggression.

Liliya believes that our victory and the reconstruction of Ukraine is possible if Ukraine and international community unite their efforts, based on trust and transparency of partnership relations. Our goal is to build a bridge between international donors and Ukrainian communities using our team's experience in understanding community needs and communicating these needs to donors. Lilia has a legal and economic education. She also holds Kyiv-Mohyla Business School MBA diploma.
Irina Kemple
Vice-president and co-founder of CF "HromadaHub" and "HelpUaRo" charity association, lawyer, mentor, entrepreneur, Executive Coach ICF, MBA.
Member of the Board of the Chamber of Tax Consultants of the Kyrgyz Republic, Member of the Board of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of the Kyrgyz Republic "Kurak", member of the NGO "Business Women of Ukraine". Has 27 years of experience in consulting, development business and non-profit, educational sectors. The best mentor of 2021 under the EBRD program "women in business". Founder and director of the Chamber of Tax Consultants of the Kyrgyz Republic 1998-2008, initiated and organized the movement of business Associations "for fair taxation", which culminated in tax reform and the adoption of a new Tax Code favorable to business development.
Member of the Board of the Soros Foundation in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2002–2006. In 2009, she initiated and supported the creation of the Chamber of Tax Consultants of Ukraine and became a member of the Board. In 2009–2011, she was the director of the International Committee for the Protection of Taxpayers' Rights in Kyiv.

Irina believes in the power of local communities, welcomes decentralization and financial capacity, including by increasing direct revenues from taxes to the budget of local communities, as the best way to develop the economy and prosperity of regions.
Yulia Grytsku-Andriesh
Co-founder of the CF "HromadaHub" and the "Help Ukraine Romania" humanitarian hub. Deputy of the Chernivtsi Regional Council, Servant of the People Party, program manager of the CF "HromadaHub".

Since 2008, she has been engaged in the implementation of international social and development projects in the Chernivtsi region and throughout Ukraine. She started exclusively humanitarian activity on February 24, 2022, when she received a message from volunteers from the USA regarding the delivery of humanitarian goods to Ukraine. After understanding the entire problem with logistics and the import of goods to Ukraine, she decided, together with her colleagues, to take systematic steps in accounting, transportation and reporting for the aid received. This experience helped attract more and more grants for humanitarian activities and improve the ability of Ukrainian communities to receive the help they need.

Yulia worked in the implementation of the reform of decentralization of power in 3 projects of international technical assistance and believes in the power of Ukrainian communities. She is convinced that this reform contributes to the development of communities and territories and will lead to the prosperity of Ukraine. She holds a Phd. in economics, majoring in "Development of productive forces and regional economy" of Chernihiv National University "Chernihiv Polytechnic". Raises a daughter and a son.